Monday, 26 October 2009

Resistance! - development

Thumbnail ideas. Just initial reactions. I was trying to avoid political resistance. It just seemed a bit too cliche.

More thumbnails, straightforward sharpie drawing. I really like the simplicity, could work as a series?

More Masareel inspired stuff! Without his mental backgrouns like. Also, they're a bit stickmanish, but i think that works pretty well.

This is my favourite idea i think. Gotta love the physics jokes like. More black block colour to play with! It just makes it a little bit more finished looking, rather than just having line drawings all the time.

Air resistance - parachute. Its getting a bit punny.

Fire resistance - nice idea, tried to make the type look a bit watery but need more work.

Water resistance. I really like this image but it might not work as well in a series cos of the lack of block colour. Could include silhouette figure to maintain this?

Resisting gravity! - Maybe should be more central, i like the ground being back - maybe make this more of a runnign factor in the images?

Dissertation quotes as type posters

Good ol' Foucault! Possibly arranged to coincide with "oucault"? haha.

A little more constructivist than my other designs. Really like this style. The letters need a lot of refining and more thought needs to be put into the layout and style of the foucault name.

Constructing imagery that is related to the quote with the typography. I still have to osrt out the perspective a bit but more development is needed in all of these.

After looking at Masareel's woodcuts (see design context) i wanted to include some depth to my designs by using black block colour. I want to be able to create more of an atmosphere and give the posters more context, in the same way as the well poster above.

Again, black block colours. It definitely emphasises the text by creating a dark background that draws the eye to the foreground. Once again, i want to create more actual imagery with this idea.

Loki Machine - website layouts

Initial layout sketches! lots of 'em. Isn't it fun? wooo.

I had a lot of fun sorting these pages out. This brown paper is no longer stock images. The paper has been moved around in photoshop to create variations tho.

Head banner - Initially this had the hand drawn logos in but the client decided it looked too much like a permanent marker so all my initial sketches were thrown out the window. Bloody emo geordies. It was decided that the typewriter font, despite being cliche and overused, was very well suited to the style of the website and record label. Also the ellipsis was suggested.

I need to make more of these layouts. Also, i wanna have a bit more of a mess around with fonts and formats for the header in more detail.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Loki Machine logo / branding

Initial typographic responses to Loki Machine Records. I like the differentiation of alignment and 'point size' between "Loki Machine" and "Records". Colours were suggested by Graham Smith of the record label - brown paper as a base/background with black and red as the content and detail.

Comme ca ^
The logo was devised simply as a stencil of the recording equipment used by Loki Machine. The selection of hand-drawn layouts for logo and branding was meanbt to give a few options using very few different components. The brown paper is a stock photo (i cheated, i'm sorry. i wont do it again).

Tuesday, 13 October 2009