Wednesday 18 November 2009

stock experiments / evaluation of content and layout

Initial "decent stock" trial with annotation. its a bit yellow, in the words of a friend - "looks a bit like bog roll like".

Reformatted layout - 3 columns through and through! Also b/w looks awesome, as does courier bold in caps for title and helvetica for body text (its the happy compromise!)

Thinking of text boxes around titles? Also, i need to get my illustrations done dammit! i cant be using jeffrey brown's stuff all the time.

ooooh... grey sugar paper! Its like a primary school clinical lo-fi thing going on here and i like it a lot.

the text looks very cool on the stock but images may not have enough contrast to be obvious what they're of. Also, the 3 column layout has been developed! it looks mint.

Again, ripping off Jeffrey Brown, but the comic is the exact format i imagined for the zine. It works so well with the square format. I really like the title/author column in a header / footer style. this will be made a feature of the final design and experimented with.

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