Monday 26 October 2009

Resistance! - development

Thumbnail ideas. Just initial reactions. I was trying to avoid political resistance. It just seemed a bit too cliche.

More thumbnails, straightforward sharpie drawing. I really like the simplicity, could work as a series?

More Masareel inspired stuff! Without his mental backgrouns like. Also, they're a bit stickmanish, but i think that works pretty well.

This is my favourite idea i think. Gotta love the physics jokes like. More black block colour to play with! It just makes it a little bit more finished looking, rather than just having line drawings all the time.

Air resistance - parachute. Its getting a bit punny.

Fire resistance - nice idea, tried to make the type look a bit watery but need more work.

Water resistance. I really like this image but it might not work as well in a series cos of the lack of block colour. Could include silhouette figure to maintain this?

Resisting gravity! - Maybe should be more central, i like the ground being back - maybe make this more of a runnign factor in the images?

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